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* 中华人民共和国是1986年12月12日国际反酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约的成员,并于1988年10月4日批准、1998年10月5日签署了1966年12月16日联合国公民权利和政治权利国际公约。

* 更为广义地讲,人权为国际惯例法的基本组成部分,因为人权是对人类尊严的普遍觉醒的反映。

* 人权包括结社自由(联合国公民权利和政治权利国际公约第22款),和平集会自由(公约第21款),有关尊重公民人身、自由和安全的各种保证(公约第6、第9和第17款),禁止残酷、非人道和有辱人格的行为(国际反酷刑公约第7和第10款),以及任意拘捕和其他侵犯司法公正原则诸行为(公约第9及第14款)。

* 上述公民应享受的诸项自由权及保证经常在中华人民共和国受到侵害;特别是对法轮功学员,其中很多人是被迫害、逮捕、酷刑及其他残暴、非人道或人格侮辱以及藐视司法程序、处以极刑的受害者。

* 瑞士联邦和中华人民共和国政府间定期就人权的发展进行对话,这给双方提供了定期会谈的机会。


* 结社自由方面受到严格的限制;

* 对人身、自由及安全尊重方面,特别是由于众多的任意拘捕、实施酷刑及其他残暴、非人道及侮辱人格的待遇,司法程序经常是被忽略的,包括在审理和执行极刑时;


Resolution of the Grand Council of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, R461,
concerning violations of human rights in China,
inter alia, those of Falun Gong practitioners


・ That the People’s Republic of China is a Party to the International Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 12 December 1986, and that it ratified on 4 October 1988 and signed on 5 October 1998 the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 16 December 1966;

・ That, more generally, human rights are part of international customary law, since they are the reflection of universal awareness of human dignity;

・ That human rights include freedom of association (article 22 of the Covenant) and peaceful assembly (article 21 of the Covenant) and various guarantees which concern respect for life, liberty and security of person (Covenant, articles 6, 9 and 17) or prohibit cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment (Covenant, articles 7 and 10; International Convention against Torture), arbitrary detention and other violations of the principles of judicial procedure (Covenant, articles 9 and 14);

・ That the aforementioned freedoms and guarantees are frequently violated in the People’s Republic of China, inter alia, in the case of Falun Gong practitioners, a great many of whom are the victims of persecution, arrest, torture, other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, summary procedures or even capital punishment;

・ That Government-level dialogue concerning the development of human rights exists between Switzerland and the People’s Republic of China and provides the occasion for regular meetings between the delegations of our two countries.

The Grand Council of the Republic and Canton of Geneva
Regrets that, despite the fact that the People’s Republic of China has acceded to the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and has ratified the International Convention against Torture, violations of human rights occur in China, inter alia, in respect of practitioners of Falun Gong, as regards:

・ Freedom of association, which is severely restricted,

・ Respect for life, liberty and security of person, particularly in view of the numerous arbitrary arrests, the practice of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and judicial procedures which are often summary, including the handing down and execution of capital sentences,

Nevertheless welcomes the dialogue initiated between the Swiss Federal Authorities and the People’s Republic of China with a view to encouraging the development of human rights in China, and expresses the hope that the Federal Council will continue this dialogue.

(Resolution R461 has been adopted on 24 October 2002 by the Grand Council of the Republic and Canton of Geneva)

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