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Don't Ask Me

(Lead singer)
Don’t ask me, how much longer the journey will be, lift your head and see on the horizon the rising sun’s golden rays;
Don’t ask me, how much longer it will take, please believe that the rising sun will bring such splendor
Don’t ask me, how many long years we have waited in sadness, only after the long wait could we usher in the brilliance of the Buddha light
Don’t’ ask me, how much regret there is in my heart, let’s quicken our steps and run after the Fa’s boat, as it breaks through the waves in its long journey

The road of Fa-rectification is winding and filled with hardship, the mighty virtue of great enlightened beings are forged, showing their brilliance amidst the tribulations;
Let tears of benevolence turn into myriad white lotus flowers, let songs in praise of “Truthfulness Benevolence Forbearance” spread all over Heaven and Earth

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