歌词:天书 (中英文)

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负债累累业满身 旷宇茫茫坠落沉
六道轮回挣扎苦 红尘路上满泪痕
万古机缘遇师尊 得赐天书《转法轮》
同化大法真善忍 随师慈悲救世人

Book from Heaven
Lyrics: Qin Mengsu

Incurring so much debt and laden with karma
I fell down from the boundless cosmos
I struggled with my life as I went through reincarnation
My journey in the secular world is filled with tears

I was so fortunate to meet Master from the ancient predestined relationship
And was given Zhuan Falun, the Book from Heaven
As I assimilate to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
I follow Teacher in saving the world’s people with benevolence

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